1929 $5 Florida National Banks Charters

Five Dollar NotesNationals1929 Five Dollar National Bank NotesFlorida Charters

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1929 $5 Type 1 - Front
1929 $5 Type 1 - Front
1929 $5 Type 2 - Front
Sell 1929 $5 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesSmall Brown
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1929 $5 Federal Reserve Bank Note
2. 1928 $5 Federal Reserve Note
3. 1928A $5 Federal Reserve Note
4. 1928B $5 Federal Reserve Note
5. 1928C $5 Federal Reserve Note
6. 1928D $5 Federal Reserve Note
7. 1934 $5 Federal Reserve Note

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The following list of 1929 Florida Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1929 $5 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1929 $5 Florida National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Florida of Jacksonville 217421741874
Ambler National Bank of Jacksonville 219421941874
First National Bank of Pensacola 249024901880
First National Bank of Palatka 322332231884
Palatka National Bank of Palatka 326632661884
National Bank of the State of Florida of Jacksonville 332733271885
First National Bank of Saint Augustine 346234621886
First National Bank of Orlando 346934691886
First National Bank of Ocala 347034701886
First National Bank of Tampa 349734971886
First National Bank of Sanford 379837981887
Citizens National Bank of Orlando 380238021887
Merchants National Bank of Ocala 381538151887
National Bank of Jacksonville of Jacksonville 386938691888
First National Bank of Gainesville 389438941888
First National Bank of Tallahassee 413241321889
Merchants National Bank of Jacksonville 433243321890
Gulf National Bank of Tampa 447844781890
Tampa National Bank of Tampa 453945391891
First National Bank of Fernandina 455845581891
Polk County National Bank of Bartow 462746271891
First National Bank of Key West 467246721891
Putnam National Bank of Palatka 481348131892
Citizens National Bank of Pensacola 483748371893
Exchange National Bank of Tampa 494949491894
First National Bank of Arcadia 553455341900
American National Bank of Pensacola 560356031900
First National Bank of Live Oak 605560551901
First National Bank of Marianna 611061101902
First National Bank of Apalachicola 627462741902
First National Bank of Miami 637063701902
Fort Dallas National Bank of Miami 677467741903
Central National Bank of Ocala 682568251903
Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville 688868881903
First National Bank of Milton 703470341903
American National Bank of Tampa 715371531904
First National Bank of Madison 719071901904
First National Bank of Quincy 725372531904
First National Bank of De Funiak Springs 740474041904
First National Bank of Graceville 742374231904
First National Bank of Lake City 754075401904
First National Bank of Saint Petersburg 773077301905
First National Bank of Jasper 775777571905
First National Bank of Chipley 777877781905
Central National Bank of Saint Petersburg 779677961905
First National Bank of Perry 786578651905
Island City National Bank of Key West 794279421905
Florida National Bank of Jacksonville 832183211906
Desoto National Bank of Arcadia 872887281907
Gainesville National Bank of Gainesville 880288021907
First National Bank of Alachua 898089801908
Citizens and Peoples National Bank of Pensacola 900790071908
First National Bank of Fort Myers 903590351908
Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville 904990491908
Fourth National Bank of Jacksonville 962896281910
First National Bank of De Land 965796571910
First National Bank of Saint Cloud 970797071910
First National Bank of Lakeland 981198111910
First National Bank of Brooksville 989198911910
Ocala National Bank of Ocala 992699261911
Citizens National Bank of Fernandina 10024100241911
First National Bank of Orlando 10069100691911
Heard National Bank of Jacksonville 10136101361912
First National Bank of Plant City 10236102361912
First National Bank of Bradentown 10245102451912
Florida National Bank of Gainesville 10310103101913
First National Bank of Panama City 10346103461913
Snell National Bank of Winter Haven 10379103791913
First National Bank of Fort Meade 10386103861913
First National Bank of Sarasota 10414104141913
First National Bank of Punta Gorda 10512105121914
National Bank of Commerce of Pensacola 10535105351914
First National Bank of Daytona 10545105451914
Munroe and Chambliss National Bank of Ocala 10578105781914
Carlton National Bank of Wauchula 10691106911915
First National Bank of Avon Park 10826108261916
National City Bank of Tampa 10958109581917
First National Bank of Leesburg 11038110381917
First National Bank of West Palm Beach 11073110731917
First National Bank of Vero 11156111561918
First National Bank of Winter Garden 11389113891919
Saint Augustine National Bank of Saint Augustine 11420114201919
First National Bank of Lake Hamilton 11703117031920
First National Bank of Lake Worth 11716117161920
First National Bank of Clermont 11921119211921
Miami National Bank of Miami 12011120111921
First National Bank of Fort Lauderdale 12020120201921
Miami Beach First National Bank of Miami Beach 12047120471921
American National Bank of West Palm Beach 12057120571921
First National Bank of Sebring 12090120901922
National Bank of Winter Haven of Winter Haven 12100121001922
First National Bank of Tarpon Springs 12274122741922
First National Bank of Palm Beach 12275122751922
First National Bank of Seabreeze 12546125461924
Palm Beach National Bank of Palm Beach 12600126001924
Alexander National Bank of Saint Petersburg 12623126231925
American National Bank of Sarasota 12751127511925
First National Bank of Boynton 12841128411925
National Bank of Commerce of Tampa 12842128421925
City National Bank of Miami 12868128681926
First National Bank of Kissimmee 12871128711926
American National Bank of Bradenton 12880128801926
Third National Bank of Miami 12887128871926
First National Bank of Clearwater 12905129051926
National Bank of West Palm Beach of West Palm Beach 12930129301926
First National Bank of Auburndale 12983129831926
Coral Gables First National Bank of Coral Gables 13008130081926
First National Bank of Palm Beach 13090130901927
First National Bank of Mount Dora 13102131021927
Sanford Atlantic National Bank of Sanford 13157131571927
City National Bank of Miami 13159131591927
Palatka Atlantic National Bank of Palatka 13214132141928
West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank of West Palm Beach 13300133001929
Polk County National Bank of Bartow 13309133091929
First National Bank of Brooksville 13320133201929
Palmer National Bank and Trust Company of Sarasota 13352133521929
Florida National Bank of Lakeland 13370133701929
American National Bank of Winter Haven 13383133831929
Barnett National Bank of Deland 13388133881929
Florida National Bank of Bartow 13389133891929
Barnett National Bank of Cocoa 13390133901929
Barnett National Bank of Avon Park 13421134211930
Snell National Bank of Winter Haven 13437134371930
Florida National Bank of Saint Petersburg 13498134981930
Florida National Bank and Trust Company of Miami 13570135701931
First National Bank of Homestead 13641136411932
Mercantile National Bank of Miami Beach 13828138281933
First National Bank of Tarpon Springs 13961139611934
First National Bank of Milton 13968139681934
First National Bank of Orlando 14003140031934
First National Bank of Fort Myers 14195141951934
Bay National Bank of Panama City 14338143381935
Other $5 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.