1902 $100 North Carolina National Banks Charters

One Hundred Dollar NotesNationals1902 One Hundred Dollar National Bank NotesNorth Carolina Charters

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1902 $100 Red Seal - Front
1902 $100 Red Seal - Front
1902 $100 Red Seal - Back

1902 $100 Date Back - Front

1902 $100 Date Back - Back

1902 $100 Plain Back - Front

1902 $100 Plain Back - Back
Sell 1902 $100 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesRed, Blue

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The following list of 1902 North Carolina Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1902 $100 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1902 $100 North Carolina National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Charlotte 154715471865
Raleigh National Bank of North Carolina of Raleigh 155715571865
National Bank of New Berne of New Berne 163216321866
First National Bank of Wilmington 165616561866
First National Bank of Salem 165916591866
State National Bank of Raleigh 168216821868
Fayetteville National Bank of Fayetteville 175617561870
Citizens National Bank of Raleigh 176617661871
Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Charlotte 178117811871
Peoples National Bank of Fayetteville 200320031872
Commercial National Bank of Charlotte 213521351874
Traders National Bank of Charlotte 231423141875
First National Bank of Winston 231923191876
First National Bank of Wilson 232123211876
National Bank of Greensboro of Greensboro 232223221876
Wachovia National Bank of Winston 242524251879
First National Bank of Salisbury 298129811883
National Bank of Raleigh of Raleigh 338933891885
First National Bank of Asheville 341834181885
First National Bank of High Point 349034901886
First National Bank of Statesville 368236821887
First National Bank of Durham 381138111887
Concord National Bank of Concord 390339031888
National Bank of Ashville of Asheville 409440941889
Peoples National Bank of Winston-Salem 429242921890
First National Bank of Gastonia 437743771890
Commercial National Bank of High Point 456845681891
First National Bank of Hickory 459745971891
First and Citizens National Bank of Elizabeth City 462846281891
Atlantic National Bank of Wilmington 472647261892
First National Bank of Mount Airy 489648961893
First National Bank of Wadesboro 494749471894
National Bank of Wilmington of Wilmington 496049601894
First National Bank of Washington 499749971895
Greensboro National Bank of Greensboro 503150311896
National Bank of Goldsboro of Goldsboro 504850481896
Charlotte National Bank of Charlotte 505550551897
Blue Ridge National Bank of Ashville 511051101898
City National Bank of Greensboro 516851681899
Murchison National Bank of Wilmington 518251821899
First National Bank of Morganton 545054501900
First National Bank of Kings Mountain 545154511900
First National Bank of Laurinburg 565156511900
Elkin National Bank of Elkin 567356731901
National Bank of Fayetteville of Fayetteville 567756771901
First National Bank of Lexington 569856981901
First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids 576757671901
First National Bank of Oxford 588558851901
Shuford National Bank of Newton 607560751902
First National Bank of Marion 609560951902
First National Bank of Waynesville 655465541902
National Bank of Lillington of Lillington 661666161903
First National Bank of Lincolnton 674467441903
First National Bank of Shelby 677667761903
First National Bank of Dunn 718871881904
First National Bank of Rocky Mount 736273621904
First National Bank of Lumberton 739873981904
Citizens National Bank of Gastonia 753675361904
First National Bank of Louisburg 755475541905
First National Bank of Henderson 756475641905
Citizens National Bank of Durham 769876981905
Southern National Bank of Wilmington 791379131905
Shelby National Bank of Shelby 795979591905
National Bank of Greenville of Greenville 816081601906
County National Bank of Lincolnton 818481841906
First National Bank of Tarboro 835683561906
First National Bank of Lenoir 844584451906
First National Bank of West Jefferson 857185711907
First National Bank of Burlington 864986491907
Fourth National Bank of Fayetteville 868286821907
First National Bank of Monroe 871287121907
American National Bank of Ashville 877287721907
First National Bank of Thomasville 878887881907
First National Bank of Hendersonville 883788371907
National Bank of Alamance of Graham 884488441907
First National Bank of Creedmoor 890289021907
First National Bank of Asheboro 895389531907
National Bank of Granville of Oxford 899689961908
National Bank of Kinston of Kinston 904490441908
Commercial National Bank of Raleigh 906790671908
Peoples National Bank of Salisbury 907690761908
First National Bank of Kinston 908590851908
Commercial National Bank of Greensboro 912391231908
American National Bank of Wilmington 912491241908
Union National Bank of Charlotte 916491641908
First National Bank of Forest City 920392031908
Commercial National Bank of Statesville 933593351909
First National Bank of Murphy 945894581909
Merchants National Bank of Raleigh 947194711909
First National Bank of Mooresville 953195311909
First National Bank of Cherryville 954895481909
Peoples National Bank of Hendersonville 957195711909
Merchants National Bank of Winston 991699161911
American Exchange National Bank of Greensboro 10112101121911
Farmers National Bank of Louisburg 10260102601912
First National Bank of Smithfield 10502105021914
Planters National Bank of Rocky Mountain 10608106081914
National Bank of Lumberton of Lumberton 10610106101914
Wayne National Bank of Goldsboro 10614106141914
First National Bank of Mount Olive 10629106291914
National Bank of Rocky Mountain of Rocky Mountain 10630106301914
First National Bank of Spencer 10662106621914
Citizens National Bank of Hendersonville 10734107341915
First National Bank of Selma 10739107391915
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Ayden 10792107921915
First National Bank of Hamlet 10851108511916
Farmers National Bank of Hertford 10876108761916
First National Bank of Snow Hill 10887108871916
First National Bank of Albemarle 11091110911917
First National Bank of Roxboro 11211112111918
First National Bank of Reidsville 11229112291918
First National Bank of Spring Hope 11431114311919
Citizens National Bank of Smithfield 11440114401919
Third National Bank of Gastonia 11477114771919
First National Bank of Murfreesboro 11557115571919
First National Bank of Mebane 11697116971920
First National Bank of Warsaw 11767117671920
First National Bank of Fairmount 12009120091921
Commercial National Bank of Wilmington 12176121761922
National Bank of Commerce of Asheville 12244122441922
First National Bank of Leaksville 12259122591922
Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Winston-Salem 12278122781922
National Bank of Forest City of Forest City 12461124611923
First National Bank of Benson 12614126141924
National Bank of La Grange of La Grange 12633126331925
National Bank of Snow Hill of Snow Hill 12772127721925
Cherryville National Bank of Cherryville 12896128961926
Cumberland National Bank of Fayetteville 13168131681928
Other $100 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

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Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.